If You Want to Rebuild your Health, Follow These Four Steps

The journey to rebuilding health is not an overnight pilgrimage. Just like how it takes time to rebuild a house, a car, a relationship or any other major project; so it is with rebuilding our health. There are many steps a person can take to help rebuild their health, but the following four steps should always be included. These steps are:

Step 1: Detox. The path to health starts with internal hygiene. There is not a more powerful way to heal the body than through a cleansing program. It should include proper elimination and detoxification. This first step, done on a regular basis, will open the way for proper digestion, absorption, utilization and elimination. 

Step 2: Restore. The restoring process involves bringing the body back to full function. This is done by a continual and consistent effort to implement the eight laws of health, following a specific diet regimen, and making lifestyle modification that encourages and supports healing.

Step 3: Strengthen. A strong body is capable of resisting and recovering faster from internal and external stressors. Strengthen every cell in your body through the use of herbs. Adaptogenic herbs are known to help strengthen the body. Some examples of these herbs are Holy Basil, Astragalus,

Ashwagandha, Maca, Eleuthero, Ginseng, etc. 

Step 4: Nourish/Alkalize. Proper nutrition is essential for nourishing, energizing, and alkalizing your cells. Alkalization is vital to tissue regeneration because it is anti-inflammatory. Living foods not only alkalize the body but is also vital to vigorous health. Nourish your body with living foods!

Health Tip                                                     

Most people ignore their health problems until it is too late. Don’t be one of them. Get yourself well and healthy now and be an inspiration to others!

Spiritual Encouragement                                                                

God is a compassionate Healer. He understands our ignorance, weaknesses and condition. But He is willing to help and assist anyone who calls on Him for divine help and strength. He is just a prayer away. Trust Him to help you through any health challenge. Ask Him to reveal the cause of the ailment you are suffering with and ask Him to help you do what needs to be done on your part for total healing. With God, all things are possible.

The Word                          

“He will take our weak mortal bodies and change them into glorious bodies like his own, using the same power with which he will bring everything under his control.” - Philippians 3:21 NLT


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