Are you Fluent in the Language of Change?

For some, a new year is a motivation for a fresh start, new commitments and goals. I have listened to people’s resolutions to be healthier for the start of a new year. Sadly, to say, those resolutions have fallen apart somewhere along the way. More often than not those resolutions become unfulfilled desires. But we should never give up or lose hope. Richard Foster in his book Celebration of Discipline says “To pray is to change. Prayer is the central avenue God uses to transform us.” Every life-changing commitment starts with prayer. Any change on the outside must first begin on the inside. This is the role of prayer in transforming us from the inside and empowering us with the will and the desire to be healthier in body, spirit and mind. Whatever your health goals are for this year, I encourage you to harness a power greater than your own; so great to actually change you at your core. This power only comes from a loving and powerful God.

Health Commitment #1

Make a list of three unhealthy foods you will eliminate from your diet this new year. Remember, God empowers us to do the very things we cannot do on our own. Pray for power and victory!

New Beginnings Bible Verse

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing!” Isaiah 43:18-19


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