What are Some Nutrients That Enable Proper Digestion?
Proper digestion is important for many aspects of health and wellness, including nutrient absorption, gut health, mental health, weight management, hormone balance, skin health. There are nutrients that promote and enhance digestion naturally. Some of these nutrients are:
Vitamin A: Promotes digestion and assimilation of food. Lack of this vitamin can cause digestive and intestinal disturbances and decreased gastric acid.
Acidophilus: Increases friendly bacteria in the colon, which are essential for the production of B vitamins. It helps to strengthen the immune system and reduces toxic wastes in the large intestines.
B-complex vitamins: Niacin especially stimulates the function of hydrochloric acid and the amino acid lysine. All the B-complex vitamins are involved one way or another in promoting a healthy digestive tract.
Gentian: This herb stimulates circulation and strengthens the digestive organs.
Zinc: Stimulates the digestive cells to release the contents necessary for the conversion of digestive enzymes from the inactive form to the active.
Without proper digestion of food, assimilation and elimination of nutrients can seriously interfere with the proper function of the whole body. Food and stress are the root of digestive problems.
Some Digestion Destroyers
Antacids: They reduce hydrochloric acid in the stomach and prevent protein from being digested.
Chlorinated water: Interferes with digestion.
Antibiotics: They destroy friendly bacterial flora in the colon.
Coffee and Cola drinks: They contain phosphoric acid which interferes with the production of hydrochloric acid.
Stress or Worry: These have an effect of reducing enzymes production.
Wrong Food Combinations: Wrong combinations of food can create indigestion and acid stomach. Proper food combining means eating foods that will digest well together.
The body will take marvelous care of the food we eat through the process of digestion. “We are not what we eat, but what we assimilate”
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