What are YOU Counting? ...Medals? ...Money? ...0r Miracles?


Jesse Owens once said, “The battles that count aren't the ones for gold medals. The struggles within yourself—the invisible, inevitable battles inside all of us—that's where it's at.” This quote challenges us to reflect on what we are truly counting in our lives. Are we focused on accumulating wealth, success, or possessions? Or are we counting the blessings and miracles that happen every day, often in ways we don’t immediately see?

Ron Herman’s story illustrates the importance of this reflection. At his lowest point, addicted and desperate, Ron found himself in a hospital. It was there that he noticed a pastor on television speaking about addiction. Feeling resistant, he switched it off. Later, when he returned home, he again heard the same pastor preaching on TV, even though it seemed like nothing else was coming through but static. This unusual coincidence led him to realize that the church broadcasting the sermon was right across the street from his apartment. Feeling a nudge from God, he decided to attend a service, marking the beginning of his spiritual renewal.

Ron’s journey shows how God was at work in his life, even when he couldn’t see it. God placed the church, the pastor, and the message right in Ron’s path multiple times. When Ron finally started to count these moments as blessings and miracles rather than coincidences, his life began to change. He recognized God’s hand in his recovery and turned his focus to the daily blessings he had overlooked for so long.

Thought-Provoking Questions:

  1. What are you counting in your life? Are you focused on your struggles, or are you noticing the daily miracles and blessings God provides?
  2. How many blessings can you count today? What might change in your life if you started each day by counting these blessings?

Reflecting on Ron’s story and our own lives, let’s make it a habit to count our blessings daily. As Psalm 103:2 encourages, "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits." By doing so, we shift our focus from what we lack to what God abundantly provides, finding greater joy and purpose in each day.


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