Where to Find Your Vitamins


Most people are aware that vitamins are important for good health. In fact, I know of some people that are faithful in taking their vitamins in pill form. I’m going to share with you where you can find the best vitamins for your health. I’m not referring to pills or a specific brand. You can find your vitamins in living foods. There is no substitute for vitamins obtained from live foods. In the previous health topic a few vitamins and minerals were mentioned that are helpful to strengthen and protect the body from toxic metals. Today I will share where you can find them.

Vitamin A helps maintains resistance to infection. You can find this vitamin in alfalfa, apricots, asparagus, broccoli, carrots, collards, amongst others.

Vitamin B1 aids in digestion and the assimilation of starches and sugars. It also builds appetite and energy. You can find this vitamin in legumes, peas, and whole grains, amongst others.

Vitamin B2 improves resistance to disease. It improves skin and eyesight. You can find this vitamin in legumes, spinach, whole grains, avocados, Brussels sprouts, dandelion, currants, dulse, kelp, leafy green vegetables, amongst others.

Vitamin B12 prevents nerve cell degeneration. It aids in the formation of red blood cells. You can find this vitamin in sea vegetables such as dulse, kelp, kombu, nori. You can find some in also wheatgrass, bean sprouts, wheatgrass, amongst others.

Vitamin D promotes normal formation of strong bones and teeth. You can find this vitamin in almonds, coconuts, sunflower seeds, dark green, sweet potatoes, alfalfa, parsley, and of course sunlight.

Vitamin E helps the heart, aids in reproduction and help in the utilization of fatty acids. You can find this vitamin in dark green leafy vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, and whole grains., etc.

Vitamin K aids in blood coagulation. It also decreases the risk of hemorrhage. You can find this vitamin in alfalfa sprouts, asparagus, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, amongst others.

Vitamins in live foods naturally combines with other nutrients for maximum absorption and use by the body. This cannot be duplicated in pill form.

“The functionality of our organs is dependent on the quality of nutrition that it has been fed over the years.” ~Scott Ohlgren

“If you are eating of nature’s bounty every day, you don’t need to supplement your diet with pills.” ~Natalia Rose

Verse To-Go

“Test your servants for ten days; let us be given vegetables to eat and water to drink.”                                   Daniel 1:12


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